How To Increase Your Alexa Traffic Rank

Alexa rank is world wide established rank for maser a website. Alexa rank normally depends on amount of visitor visitor per day. Every day at 12:00 am (New-York Time) alexa rank continuously changing. Alexa rank is very essential for all kind of website for impression. Lots off advertising company provide advertise by review alexa. Though visitor is the main fact to increase alexa but some tricks will help you to increase your sites alexa rank.

1. If your site is a blog, try to be regular on you blog. Try to post at-least 1 article every day. If in your hand have lots of article don't post them within a time. Just post them day by day. You can also use automatically article posting for that purpose. You need to know if you post 5 article in a day and next day you will not post any article. It will not better for you alexa rank. But if you post 1 article per day, it will better for you. 

2. Install alexa toolbar and visit your site rank regularly by this toolbar. Inspire peoples to download this toolbar and visit your website. So, you can download this toolbar from different PC as many as possible.

image of alexa toolbar

3. Make more and more review in Alexa for you site. Inspire your sites visitor to make review for you in alexa and add any alexa widget in you website. I prefer "Make Review" widget cause it will help you to get huge review on alexa.

image of alexa review 234x60

4. Write down some article about alexa rank. You can write Top alexa ranked websites list or any kind of information about

That's only and about all tricks about increase alexa rank. I visit a website some days ago where I see that a website Google Page Rank only 1 and that's alexa rank only 35,489. So, it's really true that low page rank site can give you good alexa rank. If, you choose my discuss, please make review on alexa for our site.


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