How Many Backlink Required For Getting Google Page Rank

Google Give your website Page Rank by count your dofollow backlink. It's really tough to say that how many backlink give you Google Page Rank. Hope, You know that after every 3 month (average) Google update page rank for a website and this rank scale is 1 to 10. After starting a website it's Page Rank must be 0 and when Google have time to update PR than it count dofollow backlink of a website and give Page Rank by consider backlink. Normally, Page rank 5 should be a standard and essential page rank for a website and no need lot of Backlink to achieve it.

image of  google PR chart

You must need to know Google only count dofollow backlink for update your page rank. If your website have million of nofollow backlink than you have to chance to get PR. It will better to create dofollow and permanent backlink. It's really tough to say that how much backlink need for PR 1-10 but it have approximate number of backlink to get PR 1-10. Please, Observe this two photo and try to understand. Then read discussion about how many backlink required to which PR.

image of backlink counter

How much backlink required for Google Page Rank 1 ?

30 dofollow backlink from PR 0 enough for achieve PR 1. But if you get backlink from PR 2-3 than 20 backlink is enough for PR 1. If you backlink from PR 5 than 10 backlink is enough for your PR 1. But you must need at least 5 content in your site, if you achieve PR by only some of this backlink.

How much backlink required for Google Page Rank 2 ?

150 backlink from PR 0 can give you PR 2 or 100 from PR 2 can able to get PR 2. If you get only 50 backlink from PR 5 than you can also get PR 2. But you must need to know that your backlink must be dofollow and permanent.

How much backlink required for Google Page Rank 3 ?

1000 backlink from PR 0 or 500 from PR 2 or 300 from PR 5 can enough for achieve Page Rank 3. But you must need at least 1 backlink from evey 1-10 Page Ranked site.

How much backlink required for Google Page Rank 4 ?

5,000 backlink from PR 0 or 2500 from PR 2 or 1000 from PR 5. Normally, if your content will high than PR 4 can easily fight in any search engine to give you best Place. You must need at least 1 backlink from PR 5-10 sites.

How much backlink required for Google Page Rank 5 ?

25,000 backlink from PR 0 or 10,000 from PR 2 or 5,000 from PR 5. From my View PR 5 is really necessary for a website.

How much backlink required for Google Page Rank 6 ?

150,000 backlink from Page Rank 0 site or 50,000 from PR 2 or 25,000 from PR 6. For achieve PR 6 profile backlink from High PR site is very useful. 20% backlink should be from 6-10 Page Ranked site.

How much backlink required for Google Page Rank 7 ?

800,000 backlink from PR 0 or 400,000 from PR 2 or 150,000 from Page Rank 5 sites. 30% backlink must coming from 7-10 Page Ranked site.

Actually this is approximate of backlink to get Page Rank. Day to day Google change it algorithm and change Page Rank update system and that's why try to build regular permanent, dofollow incoming link.


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