Top Best Paying Jobs Of The Future
1. Biomedical Engineers > Pct. increase: 61.7% > Total new jobs (2010-2020): 9,700 > Median income: $81,540 > States with the most jobs per capita: Massachusetts, Utah, Minnesota The work of biomedical engineers typically involves designing or maintaining biomedical equipment, such as artificial organs and X-ray machines. These jobs often require a great deal of technical knowledge in fields such as biology, engineering, math and chemistry. Because of this, a bachelor’s degree is typically needed. The professional requirements come with impressive compensation. The median income for such jobs was $81,540 and the top 10% earned more than $126,990. Between 2010 and 2020, the number of biomedical engineers is projected to rise by 61.7%, more than four times the projected growth rate for all jobs, which is 14%. To explain its growth projections for the profession, the BLS cites the baby boomer generation’s growing demand for biomedical devices and...