
Showing posts from May, 2012

Before Publishing Your Blog Post What Should You Do?

Pat yourself on the back. Yes, you! You’ve just completed writing an important blog post. You can sit back and allow a tiny glimmer of pride to slip through. Is that your hand inching towards the PUBLISH button? Halt! Who Goes There! Sit back again. Print the following points keep them in front of you and do not hit that button till you have read all of them! You do want to get the most out of each post, don’t you? 1. Keyword Optimize Your Post Great though your content may be, it’s no use if people can’t find it. That’s what keywords are for. Check your post URL, header tags, page title, anchor text and image alt text for the keywords you’re targeting. If you forget to do this, forget your dream of higher search engine rankings, more traffic, lead generation and so forth. 2. Where’s The Call-To-Action? Even if you’re blogging for fun, you do want to achieve something through your posts. Of course, if it’s a business blog, needless to say, you...

Legal Link Building Strategies

Really Awesome topic to talk about in every second of a blogger. Because you know this off site factor of SEO is very important one to your rankings. So you need to do this Link Building. When Link Building you need to do it in the correct way or Google’s way. Unless you’ll get penalized from Google. So using Google accepted Genuine Link Building Strategies will help you to get most of the good things you dream. What is this Link Building? I already answered this question in my yesterday article. And there are Google accepted ways to build links. I mention those rules also there. If you still did not read that Introduction to Link Building post, Then I recommend you to first read that one and then these Strategies secondly. There are so many legal ways to build links for your blog. I’ll list all of them below. 1. Sharing links with your friends You have so many friends. So tell them to add your link on their little blog. They might not blog professionally. But they can gi...

About Link Building And It’s Benefits

Link Building simply called hyperlinking. As a blogger you always like to know about Link Building  if not you ought to. Link Building which is belongs to the SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a must for all bloggers who’d like to survive this battle. So you need to aware about Link Building to a great extent. As I said earlier Link Building is a one factor of SEO. There are two types of SEO called On-Site SEO and Off-Site SEO. So which type this Link Building is included? It’s Off-Site SEO. This Link Building is totally running outside of your blog. That’s why it’s under Off-Site SEO. The most wanted factor in Off-Site SEO is link building. So you must know about it. There are many ways to do it. Most bloggers use their own strategical link building. Link Building is very useful for any blogger and there are many uses of it.   What Is Link Building Link Building can be known as like this. There are two blogs called A and B, then Blog A links to blog B’...

About Keyword Density

As a blogger you need to familiar with SEO, And I know you do. SEO or Search Engine Optimization can be divided into 2 groups as On-site SEO and Off-site SEO. There are so many things come under both divisions of SEO.  First of all Keyword Density is included in On-site SEO. So if you’re looking for ways to optimize your content for Search Engines while delivering cracking content to readers, Certainly you need to think about this point. So what is this Keyword Density ? Keyword Density Introduction   Keyword Density, You may be heard this thing number of times when reading about On-site SEO articles. But what is this keyword density means? What is the use of this? I’ll answer all these questions now. Keyword Density means number of times that a particular keyword appears in a post. This is so important factor. There are so many tools to measure Keyword Density of your post. I’ll mention some of them at the end of the post. Most of these tools give it as a per...

The Secret Strategy To Grab More Backlinks

With the time search engines started to measure success of a blog by popularity it has grabbed. So SEs started to take consideration into number of links or votes to a particular blog. Search engines see these links as vote of trust. These links also known as Backlinks. Then past bloggers started to think deeply about these backlinks. They designed their own strategies to build Backlinks . This post is about one strategy I found over the past years. I’ll tell pros and cons of this method at the end of the post. Introduction What you do in this method is grabbing Backlinks from all the pages of a blog which is popular. For that you need some great blogs with the features I mention below. You need to find blogs which are consisted of those features, unless you’ll get low quality Backlinks. If you can’t find blogs which have features I mentioned below, don’t worry adjust it with your own features.   Features of the Blog Must Have 1. Chosen blogs must have ...

How To Write Effective Article

One of my previous posts described how to make more traffic by article writing to top article directories. I think you have posted some articles for few directories now. Check this List of Best Article Directories , if you still to post your articles. But sometimes you may not receive good traffic through that article or sometimes they may not approve your articles to their directories. Most possible reason for this is the poor quality of your article. But sometimes they will reject your article because you are not adhering to their guidelines. In this post I am going to show you few points you should concern while you are writing an article to an article directory. 1.        Select a better title to your article Your title should be short and descriptive. The article should be related to your blog content. Remove all unnecessary words from it. Add some key words to your title. Then once a reader...

Top 10 Article Directories Site

Submission of articles to a top level article directory is a well-known method to get high quality backlinks which in turn helps to build a strong website. These backlinks are very helpful in Google PR. I discussed this topic under “ Article submission and blog traffic ”. So here I decided to give you the top 10 article directories I am using to get backlinks to my blog by posting articles. This list will be very helpful for the development of your blog/website. So start submission of articles to top level directories which I have listed below to get strong backlinks and good traffic to your blog/website.  Let me give you the list (Last checked on 26/01/2012) Article Directory Google PR Alexa TR 1.        EzineArticles         6 320 2.        Helium         6 4539 3.  ...

Article Submission and Blog Traffic

Once you made a blog or website, nextyou will think “How should I bring more people to my website”. Initially I alsohad the same problem. Since I was not a very rich guy to spend dollars onsearch engine submission tools, I did everything what I can do to bring moreand more people to my blog. Or in other word I made every effort for make agood traffic to my blog for free. Finally I found several effective methods tomake more traffic to my blog. In this post I am going to describe you one ofthose free methods. How to make a FREE Blog in blogger Howto embed YouTube video to your blog (A-Z guide) In this post I will tell you whyyou should use “Top Article Directories” to develop more traffic to your blogor website.  Let’s starts, If you have a new blog or brandnew website it will not appear in the search engines until it crawls on. Thatsimply means your blog will not be able to appear on search engines even thoughyou searched for your blog by typing your blog name. M...