Before Publishing Your Blog Post What Should You Do?
Pat yourself on the back. Yes, you! You’ve just completed writing an important blog post. You can sit back and allow a tiny glimmer of pride to slip through. Is that your hand inching towards the PUBLISH button? Halt! Who Goes There! Sit back again. Print the following points keep them in front of you and do not hit that button till you have read all of them! You do want to get the most out of each post, don’t you? 1. Keyword Optimize Your Post Great though your content may be, it’s no use if people can’t find it. That’s what keywords are for. Check your post URL, header tags, page title, anchor text and image alt text for the keywords you’re targeting. If you forget to do this, forget your dream of higher search engine rankings, more traffic, lead generation and so forth. 2. Where’s The Call-To-Action? Even if you’re blogging for fun, you do want to achieve something through your posts. Of course, if it’s a business blog, needless to say, you...